Weekend Wine Review – Trapiche

RecipeWine Review

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Saturday night the hubby and I were home with just the baby, while my older two were at a sleepover.  With the baby in bed at 7:30pm, I thought that this would be a good night to celebrate Valentine’s Day since we were so damn busy these days.

Naturally, I opened a bottle of wine and in true Modern Mommy Brain style, decided to pair it with some raw cookie dough (classy, I know!).

The wine of choice was Trapiche Extravaganza, a very savory and fruity red wine from Argentina.  It’s a bit sweeter than I normally like, making it a true indulgence.  The price point is great too.

As for the cookie dough, I actually did set out to make our favourite cookies for my husband while he fell asleep on the couch (did I mention it was 8:00pm?).  The cookies either had too much butter or not enough flour because they didn’t quite rise to the occasion… But all in all they were edible and paired well with the vino.

After about two glasses of wine and ten cookies later, I fell asleep on the couch leaving my well rested husband to go shovel the driveway.

If this isn’t romance, I honestly don’t know what is.


Modern Mommy Brain

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