

How It’s Going

I’m writing this as I recover from a near death experience. Okay, it was the stomach flu, but to be fair it was literally the worst flu of my life. And to be honest, when I get sick, I go dark. I’m not typically suicidal but if there were a few lines of coke lined […]

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Load vs. Capacity

I have been dealing with Plantar Fasciitis for the last month and, quite frankly, I’m so sick of it. I limp around like an old lady and I can’t walk, let alone run. I feel broken and stupid. Finally I took to YouTube to look up some Physical Therapy techniques and stretches and I came […]

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The word balance is a funny one. It’s something that pre-pandemic I remember desperately searching for on a daily basis. How do I balance work, motherhood, cleaning, cooking, extracurriculars, etc.? Sometimes life seemed like I was on a treadmill that I couldn’t get off of, running all the time. Know the feeling? Fast forward to […]

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Whip Cream Easter Eggs

These turned out amazing! It was a quick and easy process, but a little messy. Although, what isn’t messy with three little kids? Here’s what you need: Whip Cream (Cool Whip or homemade) White Vinegar Hardboiled eggs Food colouring Pan/Dish Here is the process: Boil the eggs, then let cool. Soak the cool eggs in […]

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March has this air of springtime and it makes me restless. It’s time for this mama to purge. My brain has been buzzing and not in a very linear, productive way. I am all over the place and feeling chaotic, both inside and out. It’s not enough to just do housework – I need to […]

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I don’t know why but lately I have this thing where I’m thinking I’m going to die soon and I need to figure out some goals and what I really want to do with my time. It all of the sudden seems to dim, that light of life. I look at my kids and they […]

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My grandmother passed away recently and my world has been shaken by it. I still get up and go to work and take care of my kids. I still go to the gym and worry about all the things I normally do in my busy life. But something is different for me now. There is […]

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Mom Time

What the fuck is Mom Time? Is that even a thing? Well, in my life it’s the time I spend on my own, without anyone around me. So on my two minute commute to and from work, the half hour I spend getting ready in the morning before my kids wake up, the hour after […]

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Working Mom

I haven’t shared this with a lot of people, but I really struggled being back at work after my third. It was the best 16 months of my life. It comes out randomly to people that I want to be at home instead of working, usually because I’m too honest when they ask how the […]

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Baby Stuff for the Minimalist

I was looking at the nursery lately and it has occurred to me that Number Three is already out of the little baby stage.  She’s 13 months old now so she’s still in a crib and still wearing diapers and still technically a baby… But she’s not that helpless little newborn I came home with […]

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