

The Story of Number Three

Spring is in the air, babies are being born, and we are quickly approaching the first birthday of the year in our little family of five. The youngest (Number Three) is turning four very soon! It seems to me that I am getting a new birth announcement every week right now and on top of […]

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It Was Never Your Fault

When I look back on the last year, particularly the months where I was in lockdown with my three kids and husband, I know that I am lucky. We’ve made it this far unscathed, for the most part. I managed to keep my job, which on some days felt like a miracle. While I really […]

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The Last Time

My youngest turned 3 this year and for parents with older kids, you know that this is a turning point. Never mind the insanity of the threenager (that’s a totally different post), but knowing that this is the last year of any remaining baby-ness. It’s when the baby fat starts to dissipate, their hands become […]

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To My Husband, In Case I Die

Too morbid? Maybe. But these are the things that I think about. Welcome to my brain. The girls need new clothes every single season. You have to plan for this. You can’t wait until it snows and suddenly they don’t have a winter jacket. Same applies to uniforms for dance and other sports. They grow […]

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Dear Postpartum Daddy

So your partner has just birthed your child. Here is why I feel sorry for you: Men don’t have cycles. There’s no good or bad time of the month. Unlike the tumultuous ride of a woman’s emotions, men are fairly simple to map out. A woman will never be that simple of a puzzle to […]

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The One About Racism

I try to only write about things that I know. Usually this is my opinion from my own life experience. I tend to steer away from politics and sensitive topics where I could offend someone. I also don’t like spouting out a bunch of facts that I know nothing about. So here is my experience: […]

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Dancing in the Rain

I feel guilty. I am LOVING being quarantined with my family. I know it’s not a popular opinion, but I literally love my life right now. To clarify though, I get the privilege of working from home, we are maintaining our dual income household, and our family and friends have not fallen ill at this […]

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In Isolation with Kids

This last week has been a whirlwind. It’s feels like some weird dream and then I wake up and I’m like, oh yah, this is reality. We are not in Kansas anymore. I’ve gotten in a week of working from home with three kids buzzing around me, one of them being a sick toddler. You […]

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AnxietyFeelings and StuffMomming

Your Future Self

These days are confusing and scary and surreal. I’m currently isolated at home with my three kids and my husband who leaves to go to work every few days. This week I have been on vacation time but next week I will have to actually schedule in work time around the chaos of my house. […]

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Homemade Play-dough

I LOVE when I can do an activity with the girls that is fun for all three of them. It’s hard sometimes having such a large age gap between the older two and the toddler. Play-dough night was SO MUCH FUN. I get so excited when we have these simple little moments of play and […]

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