
Feelings and StuffMarriageMinimalism

All the Things

I haven’t written a blog post in a while. Actually, I’ve started writing one a few times and then just couldn’t get the right words out. Where do I start on writing about such a time in our world as right now? I’ve considered focusing on the grief that has come out of the past […]

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Decluttering the Mind

My brain has been buzzing lately. It doesn’t stop. Have you ever wondered why taking a “vacation” is so relaxing? It’s because suddenly you’re not surrounded by all of the things that clutter your brain and take up your time. Preparing for any kind of trip is so stressful for me. I pack and clean […]

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My Minimalism Rules

I’ve gotten back to my minimalist roots after a few years of watching things accumulate. We’ve purged the excess junk out of our house recently. As I was in the midst of cleaning the other day, I was reminded of the rules I had made for myself when I originally started on this journey. The […]

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Clutter Releasing: The Basics

I don’t have a perfectly organized or clean house. I don’t have a my own environmentally friendly cleaning products with essential oils. Every room in my house is lived in and sometimes most of the rooms look as though they’ve been taken over by glittery trolls. But I am an expert at purging stuff. A […]

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House Envy

I don’t really believe in New Year’s Resolutions, but I’m big into goal setting.  One of my goals this year was to stick to a strict budget and really monitor my spending.  I created a spreadsheet and focused on money coming in and money going out.  After month one I was able to analyze my […]

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Minimalism and Miscarriages

I’m not sure when it all “clicked” but I know that it began with grief. I was a typical mother of two, married with a house full of stuff that I seemed to be spending all of my time organizing and never feeling caught up.  I spent my twenties accumulating stuff between bridal showers, buying […]

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