

Sex and Hallmark Movies

I remember when I was in College I drove up to visit a girlfriend for the weekend.  We went out drinking and to a bar with her and a bunch of friends.  It was a typical night out at 19.    When we got back to her apartment, she went to bed with her boyfriend while […]

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Feelings and StuffMarriageMinimalism

All the Things

I haven’t written a blog post in a while. Actually, I’ve started writing one a few times and then just couldn’t get the right words out. Where do I start on writing about such a time in our world as right now? I’ve considered focusing on the grief that has come out of the past […]

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Marriage 101

I just celebrated my 12th wedding anniversary. It seems like a lifetime ago. Our lives have changed drastically since then, as they were meant to do. A house, a few new cars, 3 kids, 5 miscarriages, job loss, career change, a lot of deaths, and most recently, a global pandemic. I feel like this is […]

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