Feelings and Stuff

Feelings and StuffMarriageMinimalism

All the Things

I haven’t written a blog post in a while. Actually, I’ve started writing one a few times and then just couldn’t get the right words out. Where do I start on writing about such a time in our world as right now? I’ve considered focusing on the grief that has come out of the past […]

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Feelings and Stuff

Day Dreamer

I never actually realized that being depressed didn’t happen to everyone. I just thought it was normal to sink in and out of deeply grey days. I’ve fallen in and out of low states since I was little, since I can remember. Then, enter hormones, and it became more extreme depths of sadness occurring on […]

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AnxietyFeelings and StuffMomming

Your Future Self

These days are confusing and scary and surreal. I’m currently isolated at home with my three kids and my husband who leaves to go to work every few days. This week I have been on vacation time but next week I will have to actually schedule in work time around the chaos of my house. […]

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Feelings and Stuff

Winter Greys

Wow. Is anyone else in the thick of this shit-ass winter? Here in South Western Ontario, there is no snow. No sun. No super freezing cold temperatures. No abnormally mild temperatures. Just grey. Just blah. I hate using weather as an excuse to be a bitch, or to eat an obscene amount of carbs, but […]

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