

Decluttering the Mind

My brain has been buzzing lately. It doesn’t stop. Have you ever wondered why taking a “vacation” is so relaxing? It’s because suddenly you’re not surrounded by all of the things that clutter your brain and take up your time. Preparing for any kind of trip is so stressful for me. I pack and clean […]

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AnxietyFeelings and StuffMomming

Your Future Self

These days are confusing and scary and surreal. I’m currently isolated at home with my three kids and my husband who leaves to go to work every few days. This week I have been on vacation time but next week I will have to actually schedule in work time around the chaos of my house. […]

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Take a Deep Breath

We are all a shit show, my dear. We all cry. We all feel lost sometimes. We all miss the brainpower we used to have and always took for granted. We all miss our old metabolism and the youthful bodies that came with it. We all want to leave sometimes. And yes, we’ve pictured getting […]

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Anxiety and Motherhood

Summer is well underway and there has been a flurry of activity.  I planned a huge anniversary party and in between that, I’ve spent every day with my kids in the sun mostly floating in the warm pool water.  I can’t complain.  These days are beautiful.  And these days are numbered. For whatever reason though, […]

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