Modern Mommy Brain Author


How It’s Going

I’m writing this as I recover from a near death experience. Okay, it was the stomach flu, but to be fair it was literally the worst flu of my life. And to be honest, when I get sick, I go dark. I’m not typically suicidal but if there were a few lines of coke lined […]

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Self Love

The Before Photo

Something incredibly crazy happened to me today so I thought I would share. My daughter was going through photos on an old cell phone we had given her, and she came across a photo of someone’s torso. It was a selfie taken of a fit looking stomach wearing a sports bra. She asked who it […]

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Sex and Hallmark Movies

I remember when I was in College I drove up to visit a girlfriend for the weekend.  We went out drinking and to a bar with her and a bunch of friends.  It was a typical night out at 19.    When we got back to her apartment, she went to bed with her boyfriend while […]

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Hashtag 39

So I survived yet another year and what a year it has been. The entire 365 days were spent in a global pandemic, in and out of lockdown. The word “pivot” has new meaning and is probably my least favourite word in the English language at this point. I turned 39 over 3 months ago […]

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The Story of Number Three

Spring is in the air, babies are being born, and we are quickly approaching the first birthday of the year in our little family of five. The youngest (Number Three) is turning four very soon! It seems to me that I am getting a new birth announcement every week right now and on top of […]

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It Was Never Your Fault

When I look back on the last year, particularly the months where I was in lockdown with my three kids and husband, I know that I am lucky. We’ve made it this far unscathed, for the most part. I managed to keep my job, which on some days felt like a miracle. While I really […]

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Feelings and StuffMarriageMinimalism

All the Things

I haven’t written a blog post in a while. Actually, I’ve started writing one a few times and then just couldn’t get the right words out. Where do I start on writing about such a time in our world as right now? I’ve considered focusing on the grief that has come out of the past […]

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Feelings and Stuff

Day Dreamer

I never actually realized that being depressed didn’t happen to everyone. I just thought it was normal to sink in and out of deeply grey days. I’ve fallen in and out of low states since I was little, since I can remember. Then, enter hormones, and it became more extreme depths of sadness occurring on […]

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Load vs. Capacity

I have been dealing with Plantar Fasciitis for the last month and, quite frankly, I’m so sick of it. I limp around like an old lady and I can’t walk, let alone run. I feel broken and stupid. Finally I took to YouTube to look up some Physical Therapy techniques and stretches and I came […]

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The Last Time

My youngest turned 3 this year and for parents with older kids, you know that this is a turning point. Never mind the insanity of the threenager (that’s a totally different post), but knowing that this is the last year of any remaining baby-ness. It’s when the baby fat starts to dissipate, their hands become […]

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