About Me

About My Blog:

Hello!  My name is Erica and I created this blog called Modern Mommy Brain as a helpful space for overwhelmed moms or women trying to do it all.

The modern mom seems to have ­­­these insane expectations.  Not only do we need to raise perfect little wheat/nut/gluten/sugar free humans, but we are supposed to be in crazy shape, not eat carbs, and even hold down a job on top of it all???

Instagram paints pictures of these over the top expectations and the reality is, NO ONE IS PERFECT!!!!  It’s not reality.  Most of us are just trying to keep our heads above water.

This isn’t another Mommy Blog telling you how to do it all.  It’s a place to give tips and tricks and share struggles and stories that might actually help you survive life (and maybe even enjoy it).

You are all individuals as a woman or a mother or both and that’s what makes you amazing.

Who I Am:

I’m a mother of three beautiful girls.  I’m a wife to my handsome best friend.  I am passionate about red wine, strong coffee, healthy eating, staying fit, Minimalism, and helping others.

However, my kids drive me crazy some days, I want to divorce my husband at least once a month, I prefer drinking wine over working out and I would live on coffee out of pure survival if the caffeine didn’t make me go a little nutty.

I’m far from perfect but I’ve learned a few things along the way and would love to share.  I also look forward to learning from you!  If someone can get even one bit of info to help, then I’m a happy girl.

Read on and enjoy.


Modern Mommy Brain

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