Hashtag 39


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So I survived yet another year and what a year it has been.

The entire 365 days were spent in a global pandemic, in and out of lockdown. The word “pivot” has new meaning and is probably my least favourite word in the English language at this point.

I turned 39 over 3 months ago and I’m only now writing this post because I’ve been waiting, very impatiently, for some sort of retrospect over my whole situation. I’ve entered into what can only be described as a mid-life crisis. I’ll save that post for another day. I don’t believe in writing while in the middle of the ocean, drowning without a life preserver. I’ll wait until I’m a little closer to the shore.

What I do want to share is my “Before 40 Bucket List”. These are all of the little things I’d like to do before I turn the big 4-0 next August. One thing I’ve come to realize is that the little things in life are what I think about the most. So here is my list:

  • Learn to sew – My oldest child has never let me forget that the buttons I tried to repair on her dress came off at school because they were not sewn on properly and she was incredibly embarrassed.
  • Bicycle wine tour – I cannot get over the fact that this is something that people do (and survive)…
  • Make Grandma June’s chocolate cake
  • Make perogies from scratch – I come from a part-Polish family so it’s time I do this.
  • Donate blood – I’ve done this before and to be honest, I just don’t like doing it but I also know how important it is.
  • Go glamping with the family – The “glamping” part means no tents if possible.
  • Be able to do 10 full push ups – My upper body strength is weak and I’ve never really been able to do a lot of push ups.
  • Do a cartwheel – (without pulling something…)
  • Learn to play a new song on the guitar
  • Learn to play a new song on the piano
  • Make the Marth Stewart Chocolate Crepe Cake
  • Create a cocktail and name it after myself
  • Paint a room in my house all by myself – Painting in our house was always conveniently done while I was pregnant by my father in law.
  • Join Toastmasters – The goal of this one is to gain some confidence with my public speaking.
  • Run a 10km race (if injuries don’t get in the way – if so, just the treadmill)
  • Make jam
  • Go snow shoeing
  • Go tubing with the family
  • Jump in the pool without easing in first at least one time – I’m the one who takes forever to get in and complains the whole entire time…
  • Learn a new skill
  • Get something pierced
  • Take/post one photo 100 days in a row
  • Get a cover up tattoo over the hideous one I got spontaneously when I was 17… – #noregerts

There you have it. Lots of little adventures to look forward to in the coming year.

What would you add to your own list?

Yours in Mid-Life,

Modern Mommy Brain

2 Replies to “Hashtag 39”

  1. Katie says:

    I love sewing, and I have the best memories of my dad taking us snow tubing in St Mary’s when we were kids – River Valley

  2. Rachel says:

    You, me, wine, bicycles and cartwheels! Book it bitch I am there.